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#1 Multi-Flash Multi-Port Retrofit Red Silicone Square-Base Flashing

#1 Multi-Flash Multi-Port Retrofit Red Silicone Square-Base Flashing

#1 Residential Lead Base Master Flash Flashing, Red SILICONE

#1 Residential Lead Base Master Flash Flashing, Red SILICONE

#1 Residential Lead Base Master Flash Flashing, Black EPDM

#1 Residential Master Flash Flashing Boot, 20" X 24" Lead Base With Black EPDM, 20 Degree Pitch. Fits 3" to 8" OD Pipes. Price/each.
Availability: Out of stock
#1 Residential Lead Master flashing was designed for residential use with a built in 20 degree pitch allowing adaptability to almost any roof pitch including 45 degrees. The clearly marked designation of pipe diameter takes the guess work out of sizing.
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You're reviewing:#1 Residential Lead Base Master Flash Flashing, Black EPDM